
“Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations””

(Mark 11:17)

Prayer Opportunities

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Every Wednesday night a group of people faithfully pray for our body. Join them at 6:30 PM in the Church Office Conference Room.

E-Prayer Chain

As needs within our body arise those on our E-prayer Chain will receive an email. This venue is used only for the family of LCC and not for outside requests.

Weekly Prayer Guide

If you would like to receive a weekly prayer guide via email, sign up by checking the box on the Welcome card. Hard copies are also available at Guest Services each Sunday.

Prayer Ministry
This ministry meets twice a month to pray for revival in our church and the Capital District. Please join us in Room 204 as we bring our hearts and petitions before the Lord.

International Justice Mission Prayer Group
IJM meet Sundays at 11:00 AM. In this group we learn about various forms of human trafficking, slavery and other forms of oppression around the world and how IJM works not only to free those trapped, but also how it works with local governments, law enforcement and courts to reform justice systems.